The Street Work, or Work of the Father Américo, best known as the “Casa do Gaiato” is a private institution of social solidarity-based Paço de Sousa (Oporto), founded by Father Américo Monteiro de Aguiar in 1940.

The “Casa do Gaiato” aims to welcome, educate and integrate into society children and young people who, for whatever reason, were deprived of normal family environment.

The institution is organized in several homes for boys from early childhood until about 25 years. The average population of each house is 150 boys.

Last year, we spend a day at the “Casa do Gaiato”.

We promised them this video since then but only now had the opportunity to finish it.

This video is an offer to the boys from the “Casa do Gaiato”,

For them, our embrace.

Team PR

For all of you who can also help this children’s institute “Casa do Gaiato”, here are the main links:


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